Creating a cooler alfresco experience at Lei Garden, CHIJMES

CHIJMES, located in the heart of Singapore's Civic and Cultural District, is renowned for its vibrant food and beverage, entertainment, and lifestyle scene. With its charming courtyards and alluring alfresco dining areas, it has become a popular destination for both locals and tourists alike. However, the scorching temperatures and uncomfortable humidity from the tropical climate can often deter customers from enjoying the outdoor dining experience.

Lei terrace alfresco dining

To address this challenge for its tenants, CHIJMES sought the expertise of Airbitat to install the Urban Cooler, a powerful evaporative cooling solution designed for infrastructure cooling, for one of its tenants - Lei Garden, a popular traditional Cantonese-style restaurant.


Customised, powerful large-scale cooling for every unique space

Airbitat urban large scale cooling

Unlike conventional portable evaporative coolers that occupy valuable dining space, the Urban Cooler is highly customisable to fit every space’s unique needs. With a large cooling capacity of up to 226,560 BTU/hour, the Urban Cooler can be strategically positioned to deliver deep cooling with minimal usage of floor space.

At Lei Garden, the Urban Cooler cools the entire seating area of 165 square meters from outside the dining area, ensuring that the restaurant could continue accommodating its usual number of patrons while delivering a cooler dining environment.


Powered by patented deep cooling technology

Airbitat urban infrastructure cooling

With our unique and patented Reevac® Deep Cooling technology, the Urban Cooler is always 50% more effective in delivering deeper cooling than any other conventional air cooler, in every environment.

Designed to be energy-efficient and eco-friendly, the Reevac® Deep Cooling technology powers the Urban Cooler’s ability to cool deeply without the use of energy hungry compressors, chemical refrigerants and emissions of harmful chemicals. It also consumes up to 80% less electricity than air-conditioning of a similar capacity, creating a sustainable and efficient way to maintain comfortable temperatures.

At Lei Garden, the Urban Cooler achieved cooling levels as refreshing as 24 degrees Celsius, providing patrons with a respite from the blistering heat of the city.


Setting the standard for a sustainably cooler environment

Chijmes alfresco area

The success of this initiative, driven by powerful cooling from Urban Cooler, has attracted a steady stream of customers even during the hottest weather, inspiring other establishments within CHIJMES to do the same. The increased footfall has translated into higher revenue for the restaurants, bars, and cafes within CHIJMES, making it a win-win situation for all stakeholders involved.

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